
Mrs Manley

I’m Mrs Manley and I am currently George Street’s Acting Headteacher (and previous Deputy Headteacher). George Street has been a huge part of my life for a very long time; I attended the school as a child many years ago. It is now an absolute privilege being Acting Head at such a forward thinking school, where the well-being of all pupils is paramount. Every day I get to witness just how fantastic the pupils of our school are, how they value everything and everyone around them, show how confident and independent they can be and who are not afraid to take risks. Every day is most certainly different but it is always magical.

I am also honoured to work amongst such amazing and dedicated staff, always going above and beyond for the children we teach.

After having experience teaching Nursery to Year 6 during my time as a class teacher, I am now honoured to be able to visit all year groups on a daily basis. Celebrating the achievements of all children is something I am very passionate about and truly believe that listening to the voices of our children will make for an exciting and authentic education. I also believe that a close home/school relationship is vital and pride myself on making myself available to parents as much as possible.

When not in work, I am kept very busy by my three children. I am a ‘dance mum’ during the evenings (I’m not the dancer, that would be my daughters) and have gained the title of ‘Mum’s Taxi’. I am also a rugby and football mum on the weekends and enjoy supporting my son and his team mates. To relax, I love to read! I am proud to say I am also a resident of George Street’s local area – remember to say hello if I see you out and about.

Being a teacher is the career I chose at a very young age and I am proud to say that I am living my dream!


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