
Professional Learning and Pioneer School

George Street Primary School has been working with regional school improvement services and Welsh Government as part of its Pioneer Schools Programme since 2015. Some of the Pioneer Schools across Wales are working on curriculum development and the development of the digital competency framework, whilst the Professional Learning Pioneer Schools network (of which George Street is a part) is focussed on improving professional development for all education based staff including school leaders.  A Professional Learning Pioneer school works as part of a network of schools across Wales collaboratively designing, developing and facilitating opportunities for the educational workforce to undertake professional learning together.

They work to improve Professional Learning and Development within their own school to share and collaborate with other schools to drive improvements in educational practice as part of a self-improving system.

They are “Pioneers” because they research and innovate practices on behalf of the system to make change at a;

  • Global
  • National
  • Local and
  • Individual level

These practices are then shared.

As Pioneers they have researched the developments in educational practice from high performing education systems and academics from across the globe to make sure that the Education reform programme in Wales is aligned to that thinking.

We are very proud to be a Pioneer School at George Street and are confident that the focus we have on professional development at this level has a very positive impact of the pupils we have in George Street.


July 2022

As a Lead Enquiry School for the National Professional Enquiry Project (NPEP), recent years have seen our school go on a journey of embedding enquiry and research into what we do. This is key in designing and readying our curriculum for September 2022, when the new Curriculum for Wales begins. Previous enquiries have included Authentic Learning, project-based curriculums, Distance Learning and the impact of home-school links on children with Additional Learning Needs. This year’s work examined the ways in which adopting a pupil-centred approach to learning impacts on wellbeing in primary school-aged pupils. The video linked on this page is our submission to Welsh Government and reflects a year’s worth of effort from practitioners across the whole school, teachers and LSAs alike. Please click here to view.

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