
Digital Leaders

Our Digital Leaders were chosen in the Autumn term. 

They are confident individuals who enjoy using the technology we have in school.  Those chosen are passionate about technology and enjoy supporting their peers and teachers in all aspects of IT across the school.

Their role is to support teachers in the day to day running and safe use and storage of the IT equipment we use in classes and across the school. They help in gathering evidence and put it on SeeSaw. They have a role in promoting Online Safety. Several representatives from KS2 Digital Leaders attended the EAS Online Safety event held in the Eden Centre where they undertook workshops and talks about Online Safety, working along other Digital Leaders representatives from a range of EAS schools.

They attend meetings each term where they discuss the use of IT in the school, online safety roles and discuss ways to help move the DCF forward at George Street.

Other elements of their role include:

  • To manage the iPads and computers and ensure they are charged and stored safely.
  • To help extend the life of projectors.
  • To manage the Seesaw and iPad images for the class.
  • To manage the content on the iPads.

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