
Eco Committee

Our Eco-Schools committee is run by Miss Bodger and Mrs Forest Jones and is made up of pupil representatives from each class, from Y2 to Y6.

Our job at George School is to look after our environment, our community and globally. We aim to help others to do the same.

We are striving towards our Platinum Flag and are developing relationships with other schools and the local community with a shared vision of a cleaner, greener world.

Our aim for this term is to make our school and the local area a litter free zone. We are designing and putting up posters about littering. As well as taking assemblies on how the school can get involved in keeping our local environment clean and striving to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill by implementing and using caddy bins for food waste on the school playground. 

If you think you could help us to achieve our goal of creating an environmentally friendly school community, please contact Miss Bodger or Mrs Forest Jones, who would be happy to discuss how you could become involved!

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