
After School Clubs

In the interest of pupil and staff safety we are currently not extending the school day to provide after-school activities. We are continuing to follow Welsh Government and Local Authority guidance and will keep this decision under review.    


A wide range of after school clubs and activities are available throughout the year. We work hard to respond to the children's interests and offer opportunities for children to explore their interests, learn new skills and develop their social skills. All of our teachers and many of our LSAs have chosen to run clubs where they have a particular skill or interest so they love to see children joining in and having a wonderful time!

We look to vary the range of clubs which include a variety of sports activities including football, netball, multi-sports, cricket and dance, as well as gardening, coding of different kinds and art and craft clubs. Although we are proud to offer such a wide range of options, we welcome ideas and input from parents and other members of the community and are looking to make links with outside providers and sports clubs so please get in touch if you would like to get involved!   

In fulfilling our safeguarding expectations, all our outside providers undergo enhanced DBS check.

  Monday   Tuesday  Wednesday Thursday  Friday  
Foundation Phase

Cookery* -        Mrs L Davies

Mindful Colouring - Mrs Lloyd

Art & Craft -    Miss Larcombe

Model Making -    Mr Keir

Music -                Mrs N Davies


Drama -              Ms Hale



Film Club -    Miss Thomas

Story Time - Mrs Williams


 Just Dance - Miss Woods
Key Stage Two

ECO/Gardening -Miss Bodger


Netball (Y5/6) - Miss Main

French -              Mr Taylor

Musical Theatre - Mrs Fielding

Girls Rugby/Football -  Mr Hares

Maths (Y5/Y6) -   Mr Eastman


Drama (Y3/Y4) -Ms Hale

German -     Miss Bowden

Drama (Y5/Y6) -Ms Hale

Football (Y5/6) - Mrs PW

Minecraft ** - Miss Seward

Rugby (Y5/6)-  Mr Bowen

Sewing-       Mrs Fisher

* Cookery - £1.00 contribution to be paid 

 **Online booking and payment required

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