
ALN Information

Details relating to individual children with ALN are discussed with parents prior to the child starting school. Meetings are also held with any provision that the child currently or has previously attended and any outside agencies involved with the child to ensure that we can fully plan and prepare for a smooth transition into school life.

We have adopted the ALN Code of Practice as our ALN policy.  Pupils' needs are identified by the class teacher and the Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo), in collaboration with parents/carers and outside agencies where applicable.  Those pupils who are identified as having an ALN will have an Individual Development Plan (IDP) written by the ALNCo in collaboration with all adults involved with the child. If necessary, the school may involve other outside agencies such as the Educational Psychology Service, The Hearing and Visual Impairment Services, Speech Therapy, as well as a range of NHS services such as Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.

All reasonable adjustments are made to the environment and teaching and learning activities to ensure that children with learning difficulties and/or disabilities are not disadvantaged. They will have access to support in line with the Local Authority policy, as and when needed.

The school ensures that any parent with a disability will have equal access to all events and communications, and that reasonable adjustments are made as appropriate.

For further information about ALN, or if you have concerns about any area of your child’s development, please talk to your child’s class teacher or contact the school to arrange an appointment with our ALNCo, Mrs Ralph.

The following organisations provide valuable advice and support for children and adults with additional needs and/or disabilities and their families.

Hope GB is a registered charity based in Torfaen, South Wales, offering support services to people with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASCs), and their families.  Go to for information or speak to Mrs Ralph.

Sparkle supports hundreds of Gwent children and young people with complex needs, and their families. Their aim is to help as many children as they can so that they are fully supported and able to participate in the same valuable childhood experiences, activities, and leisure services as any other child and their family. Go to for further information or speak to Mrs Ralph.

The following information guides, posters and animations for parents/carers and children have been produced to explain the changes that have taken place. Please click on the links below:

Additional Learning Needs in Wales - What’s happening?

Additional Learning Needs in Wales

Additional Learning Needs – An animation explaining the new system for parents and young people

A Parent’s Guide to Additional Learning Needs

Parents Guide


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